Wednesday 6 June 2012

Community health workers in CBR program in Mongolia

The new article presenting research in eastern Mongolia on role of community health workers in CBR programme is now available on Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development journal. This research was carried out by Elena Como in collaboration with Dr Batdulam and other persons from the CBR team in Mongolia through an AIFO/Italy project co-funded by European Union.

There are few and rare examples of national level CBR programmes implemented through existing Government staff and Mongolia is one such example. The national CBR programme in Mongolia is part of national health and social services even though it started as a pilot project supported through an international NGO (AIFO/Italy) with technical support from Disability and Rehabilitation team of WHO.

Thus, I feel that this research is very important to understand how Mongolia has been able to implement a national level CBR programme.

In the article, Elena and Batdulam have mentioned different limitations of this research, especially the lack of involvement of persons with disabilities in these discussions. Thus it is fundamental to remember that this research is giving the views of one group of persons (community health workers or feldschers) about their perceptions of their contribution to the CBR programme.

For example, one of the conclusions of the research is that CHW feel that CBR programme focuses mainly on health related activities and they are not so active in other areas of CBR matrix. I think that this conclusion is very much linked to lack of other viewpoints in the research.

Thus, I feel that CBR programme in Mongolia, needs more research in different directions, for a better understanding of how it is working, how it is networking and involving other stakeholders (ministries, provincial and district authorities, NGOs, DPOs, federations).


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